Quote Of The Week

And we're still so young;
Desperate for attention.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I Won't Let You Give Up On A Miracle When It Might Save You

When will we fall in love?

Perhaps never.

But can I handle that?

Probably not. But that's okay.

So, I had an emotionally traumatic event occur today. I was watching the ONLY anime I watch, currently on episode 203. A battle had been going on between my favorite character and some protagonist. It was honestly one of the coolest fights I have ever seen. But, the problem is that my favorite character is an antagonist, so his fate was doomed to begin with.
This is him.

In the episode I just watched, he is killed at the end. You don't know much about him, but right before his death, you see a flashback of his whole back story. It was amazing and incredibly emotional. I found it strange because he is an emotionless character that only hates and cares about himself, but there were always hints that he cared, and this flashback proved it. I'll admit, I shed two tears. It was . . . awesome. I sound like a total nerd right now, but I honestly don't care. You guys have stuff that you obsess over. Well, Bleach (the anime) is mine. Or one of mine, I should say.

If I can say something, it's that my motivation to continue on in school is fading rapidly. Effort never required so much effort before.

If things ever change,

let me know.

When happiness is your closest companion,

let me know

When you find someone new,

let me know

When you fall in love and you know that love is real,

let me know

When you feel like you are on top of the world,

let me know

When you know you aren't on the top of the world,

let me know

When sadness is your closest companion,

let me know

When you come to a dead end,

let me know

When you no longer trust yourself and everyone else,

let me know

When you are desperate for words,

let me know

When you make mistakes,

let me know

When you see the mistakes you've made and you accept them for what they are,

let me know

When you know who you are

let me know

If you change,

let me know.

I will listen.

Being vague is obnoxious, and so I'll do my best not to be. But it's so hard to keep a secret and not be vague at the same time.

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