Quote Of The Week

And we're still so young;
Desperate for attention.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

And Your Friend Would Stab You In The Back Just To F*** Some Girl

Everyone . . . please stop here for just a moment. Please tell me ways you show people you love them. That's all I ask.


  1. Service. But I also try to think of what they would like, such as an ice cream bowl or some such and then I get it for them.
    This is Heidi by the way Ha ha

  2. It often depends for me. I try to fit it to what the other person needs. For some, I do some kind of service, for others I say I love you 10 million times. Still others it might be a hug or a gift or a note or a smile or a listening ear. I'll validate someone. Whatever it is that the other person needs.

    I also try to remember that other people have their own "love language" and to try to remember what theirs is so if they use their love language with me, I know they are trying to say they love me.

    What's your love language, Brett? Besides bowls of ice cream? :)

    Love you!

  3. Even the lightest of touches, though maybe they won't get it or they won't accept it, expresses my love for someone. It can be universal, for all relationships. For someone I'm in love with, however, an encouraging touch seems fitting, or even words of encouragement in some way. That's what I would like, but then again, I am a girl...

  4. For me it's Time, just doing stuff, or hanging out with people. Sometimes gifts, but time more than anything
